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Showing posts from January, 2011

A ray of hope in Africa

After Tunisia it is now Egypt's turn, it seems. Uprisings have become contagious. People of Africa have at last decided to wake up. They decided to over throw the rule of dictators. Like any other dictators the Egypt President Mr. Mubarak dismissed the cabinet but still refusing to stand down and he is mobilising army to suppress the protest. Even though most of the African countries got independence from the European colonial powers, in the last of 20 th century, the people have to suffer a lot from their own government (Actually speaking, most of the continent is under authoritarianism and military dictatorship). They have to suffer a lot from famine, terrorism, natural calamities etc.. Africa is now literally a dark continent. People are being killed there because of world's lust for diamond (Blood diamonds). Africa produces 46 per cent of the world's chromium, 48 per cent of its diamonds, 29 per cent of its gold and 48 per cent of its platinum. Actually many African...

Kashmir, a hell on earth

Kashmir has always been the controversial and sensitive subject both to us and Pakistanis. Quarrels over land were very common between countries from the beginning, take Israelis and Palestinians for example. But our case is a bit different. We gave them a big piece of our land(East and west Pakistan) and still they are greedy. B'coz of their greed, Kashmir which was once belonged neither to India nor to Pakistan is now apart of Indian Republic. Pakistan sent its troops to Kashmir in October, 1947 which compelled the Hindu Maharaja of Kashmir(but the majority of people were Muslims) to join hands with India. That was the beginning, till then we were fighting over Kashmir. But in Pakistan's current state, no sane person would want to live there. The entire country is under chaos. People are being killed in the name of religion. Sectarian violence occurs every now and then between predominant Sunnis and minority Shias in Pakistan. Now Taliban has also joined the party. With so mu...

Why do we think our prayers are not answered ?

90% of the population think like that. Is there any truth in it?. The whole question is relevant only if you believe, so for the sake of answering the question let's assume everyone is a believer. Most of them go to churches or temples everyday. But if you believe your prayers are not answered, then its simple logic that, definitely some thing is missing. Is it your fault or God's ? What am i saying? God can never be wrong or bad, he is all love, so it have to be our fault. If its our fault, then what is the fault?. This is the point were people turn into sacrificing and other non-sense, like almighty is some kind of degenerate who gets pleasure from these things. They never rethink their prayers. Do you prayed for yourself or other fellow beings?. What an absurdity, how can any one pray for others?. We pray so that our bad doings, difficulties and problems(mainly money) should be excused. In "Upanishads" they say "one should pray or work with out looking for...


Thoughts are like air, like water, it freely flows from one to another. You could say that thoughts are open-source. Thought can be in any dimensions like in plain, 2D, 3D etc.. You can interpret any thing in this format. once a thought exits from your mind, its free, any one can make changes to it, can append anything to it. Thoughts sow the seeds for all great ideas. Behind every inventions, every findings there is a thought which sowed the idea. Through thoughts people could connect. Thoughts make us humans. Thoughts are like waves, its all around us. only thing we have to do is to make our mind ready to perceive it. Thoughts make people different. Different people, like Hitler and Tolstoy, what made them different? it was definitely their thoughts, no doubt about that. Books and other media help in propagating thoughts. Good or bad, brilliant or non-sense thoughts are what makes us different from other animals.


Why do people have this weird tendency of going abroad for education. Those who go abroad, do they think that our country couldn't provide them with good education or its just a status symbol like having a "Bentley" or "Rolls Royce". It is a known fact that our education system is a little dull, but it doesn't mean that it is that bad. we have IITs , IIMs and other reputed universities. we should give more importance to researches and how we select our research heads. Does any one really give a thought that why there are not many Indians who contributed (of course there are some, only a handful) to the scientific world in our century. Now a days what we really do is praise those, who happened to be related to India, like his/her mother or father was Indian or something like that. In "Hindu" there was an article about "crab-syndrome", which was very insightful. We should be able to pull our good and promising minds to our country.


Today January-12 is the birthday of "Swami Vivekananda".We Indians celebrate this day as our National Youth Day as he inspired the youth and told them in his inspiring and commanding voice to awake from the laziness. He revolutionized the way westerners looked at India those days and their myths about our culture.His voice was the first to be heard, about our country and our culture in the western world. Before his time westerners had a strange understanding that Indians were barbaric, pagans and polytheists . He was the one who introduced and strongly established Indian philosophical and cultural status in the western world. He was the also one who emphasized on the quality and the need for good education. According to him, a good education makes a man perfect in all sense. What would happen if he get a chance to see our current educational system, he would definitely die heartbreak. So lets try to be the youth he visioned. Lets try to make our mother country proud by c...

Our glorious past

I have always wondered about the life of a "saint" or a "sadhu"(Hindi). There are certain criteria which should be met by this people. We had a lots of such ideal personalities in India. Here in our country we can find many of such sadhus, some times even in metros.Those who choose the life of a hermit are very much seem to be cutoff from the outer world.Their lives seem to be calm and quiet. But one thing is sure it is not easy. They reminds me of our old "Rishis" of golden vedic periods. Most of the people think that being modern or forward-looking means, fashionable,using high end gadgets and living in metros.But the real modernism must begin inside you, in your thought, in  your deeds etc.Your mindset should be modern in order to have a modernistic approach. In my opinion our ancestors were always modern(in thoughts). By ancestors i mean those philisophic, mystic "Rishis". They contained their thoughts in "Upanishads","Vedas...

What's happening?

We are proud that we are the largest democracy. We are proud that, great human beings like M.K.Gandhi,Swami Vivekananda,Baba Amte, Mother Theresa  chose this land to render their service. Do you think if they were here would they be proud of India? People like them, but do you think people like us could ever be able to choose their path. No i don't  think so, according to us they are not practical. For us, money is the only practical solution to every thing. Even money have Gandhiji's face printed on it, what an irony?. It is an irony in the sense, all the bad things happen over the money and a man's face who has nothing bad about him, who spent his entire life for others without thinking about himself. Our country is neck-deep in corruption.Corruption in politics is not a big thing, but it is increasing in an alarming speed. There is corruption in court of law also, now that is something very dangerous. Wife of Dr. Binayek Sen said her trust and respect for the constitut...

New Year

People enjoyed the arrival of new year by celebrating, partying and shopping. Their hope, that its going to be good year makes the celebration worth. But there is also another group,who have no place to rest their head at night and they know the real value of each penny they earn. For them there is no Xmas, no new year. They are just trying to survive this bitter cold, this hike in the prices of commodities. Most of the people think of them as useless and thieves. Most of them doesn't even have identities to prove that they are Indians. Women and children are in constant danger. There is no proper rest house for them, so that they can shut their eyes without fear of being violated.  In my opinion today's generation are in total confusion. They confuse freedom with something else. They think freedom gives them the right to do what ever they want. On the other hand they don't realise it gives them responsibilities towards each other.Freedom makes us all independent and thus...