Today January-12 is the birthday of "Swami Vivekananda".We Indians celebrate this day as our National Youth Day as he inspired the youth and told them in his inspiring and commanding voice to awake from the laziness. He revolutionized the way westerners looked at India those days and their myths about our culture.His voice was the first to be heard, about our country and our culture in the western world. Before his time westerners had a strange understanding that Indians were barbaric, pagans and polytheists . He was the one who introduced and strongly established Indian philosophical and cultural status in the western world. He was the also one who emphasized on the quality and the need for good education. According to him, a good education makes a man perfect in all sense. What would happen if he get a chance to see our current educational system, he would definitely die heartbreak.
So lets try to be the youth he visioned. Lets try to make our mother country proud by contributing our part.
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