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Showing posts from February, 2011

Child Welfare - My opinion

2011-12 union budget is near and i think it is only fair to take a look at our nation's child welfare. Let us hope this time Govt. will do justice, by allocating more than the usual 3% in the budget, for the benefit of poor children. Our substructure is not good enough to support the basic needs of children. Children are more prone to violence. If we don't take proper care; denying education, basic amenities, proper health, of our children(basically poor and orphans), i can assure you we are looking at a bleak future. You and i have almost 100% probability of getting what we want in our life. But what about those who are living in the road sides, all those tribal, poor children in Assam,Gujarat etc., children in J&K who are daily subjected to gun violence. Educating street children is not a simple task. First they should be attracted and get the idea and need for education, for that we need to provide them with food and virtually supporting their entire lives. Their prima...

A horrifying truth about modern India

Every day media screams about how India is doing in global market, some writer or artist receiving big awards thus lifting our country's pride. It is a usual thing, dancers or writers claiming that they tried to portray the soul and spirit of India. Correct me if i am wrong, but how can anybody portray the real India in art forms, for art is related to beauty and imagination. i am talking about those who were deprived of their right to live in their ancestral lands, who were forced to live a different life, yes they are the unfortunate tribal people of Indian republic. Modern Indians are indifferent to the lives and deprivations of tribal people. Most of our generation oblivious to the fact that there are still tribal people live among us. Atrocities toward them are going unnoticed. Authorities are taking a neglecting attitude towards them. For instance take a case of tribal people in Kerala; Hundreds of tribal people, led by the Attappady Samrakshana Sa...

Multiculturalism or Diversity

Multiculturalism has once again become the hot topic for debate. Few months before British PM commented that, multiculturalism policy is not going well in UK. Some members of Mr.Cameron's centre-right Conservative party, activists in right-wing movements and some voters believe that Britain has become a safe haven for people with anti-Western political views. He joined hands with Angela  Merkel  (German Chancellor) in this matter. He commented that there has always been a clash between Muslim community in Briton and European values. Mr. Cameron said it was time to replace Britain's "passive tolerance" with an "active, muscular liberalism".  Europeans  greatest fear is that it is a threat to national security. They are trying to create an atmosphere of post  26/11 again. In the case of India, it is different. In our country we don't use the term "multiculturalism", instead we use "diversity". Here most of our states are formed on ...

Valentine's Day - Redefined

Happy valentine's day. Today when i woke up,and went through the Newspaper, then only it occurred to me that it is "Feb-14". Outside, young couples were already in the swing. But i failed to notice any special depiction of love at this particular day, in nature. May be nature doesn't care much about our feelings. If she(nature) asked me, i would have definitely given her some tips for making the day romantic, like blooming trees, flowering plants,snowing etc. May be she too think like my mother, that love is a waste of valuable time and only fools fell in love. People say there are moral police on patrol, deputed by some extreme "Hindu- vadis ". i thought may they don't have anyone to love them, that's why they are acting like this. Moral police "go down", you can't feel or ever understand what does the beating heart of a lover say, or propagate or bellowing to the world ?. When i looked out to the world all those people living by the s...

Indian patriotism - in a devious route?

We Indians are chained in falsified patriotism, mainly by media, i would say . A recent event that enraged every Indian was about the students who were collar tagged by American officials.  In our society it would be perceived as a great shame. But one thing we have to understand is that we are in their country and we have to go by their rules and regulations. I am not defending Americans, what i am trying to say is, it was not at all a shame when it is compared with the deeds of our own country officials. No one seemed to mention about how these students came to be in America, what were they doing there, even after knowing the pathetic condition of this so called University. Doesn't our govt  have any regulations to check the credibility and where abouts of such on line universities. We are so much worried about foreigners disrespecting our fellowmen or country. But what about great scams(2G,land, etc.), rapes(every day) and other atrocities towards women, children and ...

Modi's Gujarat - An illusion

The SIT ( Special Investigation Team ) report declared Modi cannot be touched on basis of those published reports by Tehelka. Muslims in Gujarat are under constant threat of life. The SIT report shows how biased  Indian constitution is becoming or it already is. Gujarat is an example of monocracy inside Democracy.  Mr. Modi's despotic government is threatening Muslim minority in Gujarat. There is a deep severance between Muslim and Hindu, if any Muslim dare to question, he would be asked to go to Pakistan. Under the false curtain of development("not denying the fact that Gujarat is fast developing"), Gujarat govt. had been doing atrocities towards those Muslims. BJP is allowing Muslim candidates over there and most of them had  won  in the election. But behind that open mindedness there is a sad story of people who were threatened to do as they were told. The investigation of Gujarat violence(2002) is going nowhere. Modi govt. could have saved lo...

Blogging - God's gift

Now a days, it seems that entire planet is under reformation, especially West Asia. The world is witnessing serious political shifts there. In that part of world confrontations between people and Government turned violent and media(especially Al-Jazeera) took it from there and played an important role in transforming this uprising into a historic event. People are becoming more politically conscious. It was a proud moment for all bloggers , knowing that those who organised meetings and strikes in Egypt were young bloggers . They planned their meeting places using social networking sites like, Facebook . Blogging has gone a long way from its previous status of "for fun" attitude, by dealing with more serious and crucial subjects. We all remember a little while ago, when there was a big clash between Tibetan monks and Chinese Govt. in Tibet. The atrocities were brought to day light by people who were brave enough to write about those incidents. Chinese Govt. finally had to cut...

Extremism - linear perspective

Extremism is dangerous. We can find lots of examples for extremist behaviour from people all over the planet. In our case, India, we treat Pakistan as they are all religious fanatics. But now a days there has been a little change on that attitude. We looked upon those incidents like, the murder of Punjab Governor and the death sentence of a Christian lady with contempt. The entire world lashed out on them saying that was barbaric and ruthless, it was true, indeed. Extremists are every where. They are in developed countries too. Some are rooted in religious beliefs and some are political and others on races. We all know how racists Europeans were. The Ku Klux Klan of USA were notorious for their violent racist behaviour. Political extremism , we don't make a big issues of. We all know Belgium was the first country to put a ban on wearing " Burqa ". Many others tried to follow the same suit. And after that France also taken the plunge and joined Belgium. One can disregard...