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Showing posts from August, 2011

Indian IT future clouded or clouded?

        Cloud computing has taken the world by a storm. Companies are moving swiftly to cloud platforms. Experts believe India will be benefited hugely by this shifting. They say India will readily jump into this new technology like we skipped the land-line generation and jumped into the mobile version. Cloud computing offers the flexibility and cost effectiveness of supplying what customer needs. We have mainly 3 services IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service), Saas (Software as a Service), and PaaS (Platform as a Service). IaaS provide you with the infrastructure, in turn what you get is a computer/server.  PaaS provides you a platform i.e. what you get is an application/framework. As we all know Windows Azure is a platform as a service launched by Microsoft. And SaaS the most popular one deals with giving you a business functionality like Gmail, CRM, etc.

way to go Messi

Yesterday was a joyous day to all of Barcelona and Messi fans. The little man again did his magic on all 52 sports journalists who constitute the voting panel and won the best player in Europe award for the year 2010-11. The final three candidates were Christiano Ronaldo, Leo Messi and Xavi Hernandez. If you are a football lover and an analyst you might have known before the result have anounced that who was it  going to be?. But still i thought may be, may be the award would go to Xavi. But, hey,  don't think i am not happy with the result. Before the award ceremony began FIFA showed a preview of it's charity works and donations, which they have been providing to the people of poor countries. And the awareness they trying to raise by using this wonderful game of "Football". They have set up many footballing centres for free in many African countries. And we all know that FCB is a promoter and partner of UNICEF, they donate a lot of money by playing, to charity wor...

Voting a solution to all ?, i don't think so

As Shri Anna ji's campaign against corruption is at its peak, people are starting to take sides, some back the campaign, but says shouldn't be like this there should be some other way, some says its perfect, to some, one shouldn't protest against parliament, which deteriorates common man's trust over the system. Whatever may be the truth, here i am going to mention a phrase which had been using for years by politicians, writers, social activists etc. whether it was in the context or out of it, is another matter. And that phrase is "We should use our power to vote" to fight off this corruption. But one thing they tend to forget is that our options are limited. We don't have a pool of candidates from which we can choose. Even if we have that pool is decided by the political parties. But now our biggest dilemma is that, they say Parliament is at the top but our problem is not with the parliament building, our dealings are with those MPs who had been elected ...

A misconception

            Who is responsible for messing up the views and ideas portrayed by great visionary saints or philosophers of Vedic India. Is it the ineffectiveness of our old self-indulgent ruling classes (Brahmins and Kshatriyas) or is it the common peoples' inability to conceive the idea ? What ever may be reason, our view of god, religion, faith and everything related to it is defacing the entire vedic mystics and what they stood for.             Most of  us make the mistake of  considering Hinduism as any other religion, but actually it is a religion stemmed from a culture, not like other Abrahamic religions, that is why it depicts polytheism, like Roman and Greek cultures. Polytheism, if you look is one among the properties of ancient cultures. If you look closely Hinduism even inside India have different versions. There are wide varieties of stories and gods are pr...

Elective Dictatorship in India ?

                Well done Congress, very well done, you thugs have proved to be the worst government ever. The fact that this guys are Indians (even though its a shame) make their demeanour much more wretched and pathetic than British empire. They say, there is a constitution and Parliament to deal with this issue, but one thing they forgot or they like to forget is that, the constitution and the government is for the welfare of the country. And by saying country we don't mean the buildings and the land, we the living, breathing Indians are its soul and we are the country.  They are there to serve the country, they only represent us, that doesn't give them the freedom to do anything they want with that power (actually its is not power its supposed to be responsibility) or use that power to serve their personal needs.                   It is crystal clear from the reaction of the people that ...

What's happening?

We are living in a world of hatred. Don't raise your eyebrows when i say this, yes, i am right and i know what i am saying. Indian sub-Continent the land of unity in diversity, and the cradle of one of the oldest and greatest civilization in the world. This is the land which gave the world "Upanishads", the ocean of philosophical thoughts that you wouldn't be able to find anywhere else. It is here, great men like "Buddha", "Asoka", "Vivekananda", "Tagore", and "Gandhiji" once walked. But still we haven't changed, even if we changed that was only just for a small time after that we went back to the state we were then. Is it only our problem? or are the entire human race like this? It seems we have only civilised in our outer surface, inside our thoughts are rotten and wretched. As our technology is skyrocketing our thoughts are running backwards. We call our selves civilised and yet haven't shown any sign of ...

Still relying on fingerprinting?

                                            Fingerprinting had been able to give a jump-start to forensic science. But now it seems every thing is going to take a U-turn. The story starts way back, in 2007, a Swiss woman was trying to go to US but she had been denied entry by the officials as her fingerprint doesn't match. But most weird thing was her face was recognised, problem is only with her fingerprints. Hey don't get excited the funniest part is, the officials discovered that she doesn't even have fingerprints. It turns out that she was a victim of a rare condition called " adermatoglyphia " ( D ermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis ) . In this condition the patient doesn't have fingerprints as defined as others and their sweat glands under the palm produces less sweat also.                         ...

Doctor's strike: ethical or unethical

                                               Should Doctor's go for strike? It is a complicated and a tricky question. If you ask this to a doctor or a medical student the answer would be why should'nt we? we also are workers like any other professionals, but are they? Is this Doctor profession like any other profession, isn't it something more than just profession? Don't they have certain responsibilities towards society, you can counter it by asking don't others have?, yes, but, don't you people have responsibilities which are far greater in magnitude than others. i am saying this b'coz doctors are the life-line of every society, say whether, civilised or uncivilised. They are more than professionals they are viewed as the personification of god, since they can help you with your health and life.               ...