India's global face is changing. India is considered as one of the biggest developing countries. India and China are the two giants in Asia Pacific region. Economic gurus says we hold the key to future. Our GDP growth is immense. Even in the time of global crisis we stood firm and it affected us in the least. Two days earlier Pakistan's Finance Minister confessed that they cannot afford to buy armaments as India do, even at war India could easily go on for 45 days. And recently India entered into the list of top-12, having an HNI (high net worth individual) population 12th largest in the world. We all know our respected ex-President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam said we could attain the status of a developed country i n 2020, if we plan our future commitments correctly. But of course we have other side just like a coin. If we consider rural India the view is not so promising. People are migrating from village to cities in search of jobs. With agriculture promising no success at all,...
Making sense of this world