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Showing posts from April, 2011

Banning Child Labour

The court had said it's verdict about children working in circus. It is an appreciable act, that our country is taking steps to stop child labour. Those children should exposed to good and basic education, like other children. But an afterthought would reveal the real problem behind this banning of child labour. What would they do? to meet their daily ends and to support their family. By banning them from work, we are denying them the right to earn their living.                                          The best practice would be providing these children with basic education and make more employment in the country. Not only that, government should make  sure that those children are getting good education, by educating their parents and children themselves. Most of the parents restrict their children from going to school is mainly because of th...

Education: A Deciding Factor

Education has become more of a society status symbol rather than a necessity or essentiality. Now a days, people think getting a degree or a Ph.D or a 6 digit salary is what education means.  Education has become an instrument for most of us to get a good job, to build up a shining career. The original purpose of education has been long forgotten. Because, academics are now career oriented, we are not seeing any brilliant scientist or a visionary leader or an engineering genius emerge. Most of the teachers are in the profession only because they don't get any other. This will ruin the future of our country and the future generation.  The main problem is that our education system is not good enough to find the right fits for the right profession. Children  should be given chance to show their talents and skills from the primary schools itself. Their interests should be understood by the teachers. Different beings have different skills and different interests. Our educati...