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Showing posts from February, 2023

Do Nothing

We are constantly surrounded by people, but many of us feel lonely. Loneliness has been rumored to increase creativity. I think that's because lonely people are more open to new ideas. They are also more likely to be inspired by their surroundings. It is important to make time for yourself every day. Find something that inspires you and do it. Spend time with your family and friends, enjoy nature, read a good book, or take a walk.  Loneliness is often seen as a negative feeling, but recent studies have shown that loneliness can actually increase creativity by activating the pleasure centers in the brain. A study published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science found that loneliness can actually increase creativity by activating the pleasure centers in the brain. The study found that the isolated group had increased creativity compared to the social group. creativity is often associated with solitude - it's because introspection is needed for improvement. L...