This topic had been in my mind for a pretty long time, how we treat science in our country. Now at this wonderful occasion of Merriam-Webster's naming of " Science " the word of the year, there will never be more precise timing than this to talk about this topic. Even in this twenty first century our scientific understanding is relatively poor. Most Indians never had a view of science further than academia. We equate science to academia, we never ever thought of science’s presence apart from that, in our daily life. Bharat Ratna (highest and prestigious honour conferred to an Indian citizen) awardee Prof. C.N.Rao says we Indians lack scientific temper and former Chief Justice of India, Markandeya Katju not so long ago criticised we Indians are fools . You might wonder where is the relation between these two remarks? When someone criticize, we never dare to do a self check before attacking the critique. And our way of counter argument will usually not dialectic...
Making sense of this world